jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

rochiielric has 4,911 pageviews total and their 359 deviations were viewed 18,375 times. Rochiielric watches 26 people, while 45 people watch rochiielric.
Overall, their deviations received 553 comments and were added to deviants' favourites 437 times, while rochiielric commented 837 times, making about 0.62 comments per day since joining deviantART. This means that rochiielric gave 15 comments for every 10 received.
The deviation with the most comments is For a Pessimist with 15 comments, while the most favourited one is Josh Hutcherson, with 31 favourites. The most viewed deviation is Josh Hutcherson with 564 views.
8 favourites were given for every 10 comments.
Every 3.7 days rochiielric uploads a new deviation, and it's usually on a Thursday, when 97 (27%) of deviations were submitted.
The busiest month was May 2009 when 60 (17%) deviations were submitted.
The majority of deviations are submitted to the photography gallery (331), while the favourite category was people > spontaneous with 77 deviations.
Comments per deviation: 1.54
Favourites per deviation: 1.21
Views per deviation: 51
Comments per day: 0.41
Favourites per day: 0.32
Deviation views per day: 13
Pageviews per day: 3.68


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